quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2020

# .:Tm:.Creation # Hashtag Event

🌸Post 426 🌸My good place 🌸

🌸.:Tm:.Creation 🌸 Hashtag Events 
🌸 Midnyte Creations ðŸŒ¸ SALMAGUNDI 

🌸.:Tm:.C. AG21 Waiting fall Nature Scene on rock  
🌸.:Tm:.C. AG22 In the colors of fall PG/ADT 
🌸.:Tm:.C. GP35 Pots Ficus benjamina  
🌸Midnyte Creations - [Cursed Angels] Love to Read Pose set  *MC-2019*
🌸SALMAGUNDI - French Bulldog - Pos 01 
🌸Hashtag Events - *ASIA* JASMINE

♥Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.1
♥Head: LeLUTKA Lake Head 1.2
♥Shape: own creation
♥Hair: KUNI - Duda 

👉 About .:Tm:.C. AG21 Waiting fall Nature Scene on rock 
♦Exclusive for The Men & Women Jail Event (Open 10th 1pm SLT to 30th September, 2020)
♦TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zen%20Soul/27/77/25
♦10% Discount
♦Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after event
♦Nature scene placed on rock (walkable) with wild flowers, bushes, shrubs, pile of chopped wood, axe
♦Land Impact: 11
♦Approx. sizes: meters  6 wide x 4.8 deep
♦100% mesh
♦Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
♦You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish
♦The pieces is 100% mesh, if you modify size the prim count (Land Impact)
♦ will change up or down, same applies if you unlink or link other pieces

👉 About .:Tm:.C. AG22 In the colors of fall PG/ADT
♦Exclusive for Shiny Shabby (open September 20th @ 12 pm slt to October 15th, 2020)
♦10% Discount
♦TAXI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shiny%20Shabby/178/112/22
♦Autumn scene with pumpkins, flowers, ferns, plants, leaves, pillow
♦Land Impact: 9
♦Approximate sizes meters: 4.8 wide x 3.1 deep
♦Animations for 2 persons (PG or Adult version)
♦100% Mesh
♦Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
♦No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento Animations included
♦-PG Version 264 loop animations: 89 PG couple poses - 7 PG Scene Sequence for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses
♦-ADULT Version 424 loop animations: 89 PG + 80 ADULT couple poses  - 7 PG + 6 ADULT Scene Sequence  for couple - Solo: 2 single sit F/M 86 poses
♦You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish
♦The scripts inside is not Modify, if you see that the piece is not modify is only for this reason
♦The pieces is 100% mesh, if you modify size the prim count (Land Impact) will change up or down, same applies if you unlink or link other pieces

👉 About .:Tm:.C. GP35 Pots Ficus benjamina 
"Pots Ficus benjamina Plant" 3 types - Terracotta GP35.t or Shabby GP35.s
♦Pots with Ficus benjamina Plant (3 types) available in Shabby or Terracotta version
♦100% Mesh
♦Land Impact: 3 each pot
♦Approximate sizes meters each pot: wide 0.8 x  deep 0.7 x  height 2
♦Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
♦Material enable
♦You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish

🌸.:Tm:.Creation links:
MP: 🛒 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/23454
LM :📌 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tm%20Paraiso1/90/128/23
FB GROUP: 👪 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1864652793578166/
FLICKR GROUP : 📲 https://www.flickr.com/groups/3900609@N24/
FB PAGE: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/Tm.Creation.tm.Susanowa/

🌸 Hashtag Events links:
LM :📌 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sylvhara/74/62/22
FB OWNER: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/aziza.walker.9
FB OWNER: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/mirella.nansen
FB GROUP: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/groups/148070729234193/
FB FANPAGE: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/UpEventSecondLife/
FLICKR GROUP : 📲 https://www.flickr.com/groups/4445935@N25/
FLICKR OWNER : 📲 https://www.flickr.com/photos/138826480@N04
FLICKR OWNER : 📲 https://www.flickr.com/photos/160847275@N05
SITE: 💻 https://upcompanyofevents.wixsite.com/upeventsl

🌸 Midnyte Creations links:
MP: 🛒 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/3277
LM :📌 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Venom/127/128/1501
FLICKR GROUP : 📲 https://www.flickr.com/groups/midnytecreations/
FLICKR OWNER: 📲 https://www.flickr.com/photos/61804843@N03/
SL GROUP: 👪 secondlife:///app/group/3a16abb2-a3be-55f8-a8df-573e4c12e8e4/about

MP: 🛒 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/48914
LM :📌 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Polong/84/100/1651
FLICKR OWNER: 📲 https://www.flickr.com/photos/60718857@N04


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