🌸Spicy Event 🌸 Pepper´s 🌸Wild Girls Store
🌸Smooching Serpents Grand Billiards🌸W.G STORE - Set Radiation ( BODYSUIT, BOOTS AND MASK)
🌸 :: Peppers:: Pose Single #127 FATPACK
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.1
Shape: TFS - Honey Bento Shape Catwa Head Lona
Hair: Moon. Hair // - Ombres - Buffy
👉 About Smooching Serpents Grand Billiards
- HUD driven 8Ball Pool Billiard Game for up to 4 Players - this table is really playable!
- 208 hot poses (solo, couple, 3some and 4some)
plus 7 hot sequences!
- hangout, table dance, cuddle, foreplay, sex, bondage and more...
- auto attaches HUDS & cuffs
- 100% beautiful, very detailed Mesh
- 10 Prims in Basic Mode, 15 Prims with Decor, 39 Prims in Play Mode
- artistic texture and color change (re-texture/color different parts!)
- RLV Force Sit + lots of restrictions
- FORCED EXP* real bondage experience (...just like RLV, but without RLV...)
- copy permissions - rez as many as you like!
- free lifetime updates!
*FORCED EXP allows you to:
– capture and force sit anybody (also avatars that are not in RLV!)
– lock them on the furniture /prevent standing up
– re-capture on relog
– force into mouselook / prevent exit mouselook
– blindfold and manipulate the sub’s vision
– capture even seated avatars (if they are not sitting on furniture by Smooching Serpents)
👉 Smooching Serpents Grand Billiards is available in The Spicy Event
👉 March 10, 2020 Event Closing Date: March 27, 2020
🌸Spicy Event links:
SITE: 💻 http://www.spicy.secretsaucesl.com/
LM : 📌 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/HiJinx/228/167/21
FB FANPAGE: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/SecretSauceSL/
FLICKR: 📲 https://www.flickr.com/groups/secretsaucesl/
🌸 Pepper´s links:
MP: 🛒 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/pt-BR/stores/208056
LM :📌 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sacred%20Realm/233/28/21
FB Manager 💻: https://www.facebook.com/lucianafraianagashi
FB OWNER: 👪 https://www.facebook.com/agniella.peppers.1?ref=bookmarks
FB PAGE: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/peppers2018/
FLICKR GROUP : 📲 https://www.flickr.com/groups/peppersblogger/
FLICKR : 📲 https://www.flickr.com/photos/147353487@N04/
🌸Wild Girls Store links:
MP: 🛒 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/pt-BR/stores/199003
LM: 📌 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zinaida/126/13/1701
FLICKR: 📲 Owner - https://www.flickr.com/photos/140190656@N08/
FLICKR: 📲 Store - https://www.flickr.com/people/162308255@N08/
FB STORE: 💻 https://www.facebook.com/wildgirlstore/
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